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Father Virgil Reischman


Virgil Reischman was born in Miltonsburg, Ohio on July 3, 1943.  He attended St. Sylvester School in Woodsfield, Ohio from grade 1 through grade 8.  Virgil chose to enter the Seminary after grade school and spent 12 years of education at St. John Vianney Seminary in Bloomingdale, Ohio.  Virgil also took many classes at the College of Steubenville and finished up with a degree in American History, a Licentiate degree from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. and became a certified teacher.  



After Ordination in 1969, Father Virgil began to teach History at Seton Central High School in Lafferty, Ohio.  He then was chosen to be the principal of St. John Grade School in Bellaire, Ohio.  The next year he was assigned as principal of St. Joseph Central High School in Ironton, Ohio.  



Through the years he became the pastor of St. Stanislaus Church in Maynard, Ohio,  St. Joseph in Fairpoint and St. Elizabeth Church in Crescent, Ohio.  After 13 years he was called to be the Pastor of St. Joseph Church in Amsterdam, Ohio and then Pastor of Assumption Church in Barnesville and St. Mary’s Church in Termpernceville.  In 2006 he was named the Pastor of St. John the Baptist in Churchtown.



Father Reischman spent several years working as an EMT at Maynard, Amsterdam, and became the leader of the Emergency Department of EMS in Barnesville, Ohio.



Father Reischman is currently teaching 5th – 8th grade Religion to students at St. John Central School five days a week.  He was the head golf coach for 3 years.  Fr. Reischman resides in “the big house” (Rectory) with his two children (cats) Pita and Beth. 

© 2021 by St. John Central Grade School. 

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